I miss my Mama
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Chipo! Why are you crying?

I want my Mama!

Chipo – where did your Mama go?

My Mama, my Mama! She was sick and she died. She is never coming back. I want my Mama!

I am sorry Chipo. You can play with Spookie. She will make you feel better.

You can have my cookie. That will make you feel better.

No! No! I really want my MAMA!

Come with us Chipo. Mrs Moyo will help you feel better.

“What is wrong my Darling?” said Mrs Moyo. “I miss my Mama!”, said Chipo.

“I know you do, Chipo and it is okay to get angry or sad and cry when we lose someone we love”, said Mrs Moyo.

I also lost my Mama. I cried and cried… My auntie held me and told me it was OK to cry.

I lost my Papa in an accident. When I cried at night, Gogo sang to me until I fell asleep.

My Papa also sings to me when I am sad and he tells me how much my Mama loved me.

Chipo looked up and who did she see? It was her Papa waiting to take her home. She flew into her Papa’s arms.

Papa and Chipo go home. They look at things that remind them of Mama.

Papa tucks Chipo into bed and sings her favourite song before she goes to sleep.